
Past Projects

Take a look behind the scenes on some of Freelance VM’s projects.

Sydney Mardi Gras 2020

Mardi Gras season in Sydney is always fun and filled with exuberant displays fit for the parade! We were given the opportunity to install two shimmery settings to celebrate, each including a prop that was bursting out of the costume box of Elton John (As you can see from the mood board, he was the inspiration for the chair!).

These flamboyant chairs appeared in two locations leading up to the parade date, in the Meriton George Street Precinct and Meriton Waterloo Precinct. The more feathers and sparkles - the better!

Planning this project included creating artwork for decals and signage, as well as theming the precinct walkways to give the whole of each precinct some glitter.

cassie egan